JavaScript While And Do Loop

JavaScript While And Do Loop


1 min read

In this post, we will learn about JavaScript while loops and do while loops.

While Loop

The while loop keeps executing the code block until a specific condition is no longer true. And while the condition is true, it will keep executing the particular block of code.

JavaScript Code

var i = 0;

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Requirements A while loop should have a counter variable inside, as well as a way of increasing or decreasing the counter. Otherwise, your loop will keep repeating forever without a way it can end.

Do while loop While at first confusing, the do-while loop is almost identical to the while loop. The only difference is that do while will execute once before even checking the condition.

In a do-while loop, even if the condition is not a met at all, the loop will execute once.

JavaScript Code

var i = 1110;

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